Sunday April 27th, 2013 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Place: Lansdowne Centre @ 5300 No. 3 Road (& Alderbridge), Richmond, B.C. (Near Toys R Us)
Month: April 2014
Apr 24, 2014 CE Night #4
Topic: Medical Myths that You Should be Living to Hear About!
Speaker: Dr James McCormack
In this presentation, James will discuss a number of common medical myths.
Did you know………….?
- You don’t need to take your antibiotics until they are finished
- That measuring glucose in type-2 diabetes not on insulin is of no benefit and may even be harmful?
- That 98-99% of patients get no clinical benefit from their statin
And…………much much more!
The Clinician:
Dr. James McCormackreceived his Pharmacy degree at UBC, and completed a hospital residency program at Lion’s Gate Hospital in North Vancouver. He received his Doctorate in Pharmacy from the Medical University of South Carolina. James has had extensive international experience speaking to health professionals and consumers about the use of medication, presenting over 300 seminars on drug therapy over the past 20 years. His focus is on informed decision-making, using evidence-based information and rational therapeutic principles. He has been an editor for two internationally recognized text books on rational drug therapy ad has published over 100 articles. James is co-host of a very popular weekly podcast called the Therapeutics Education Collaboration (TEC). It can be found at He is a professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences at UBC.