We are excited to announce that the CCDSBC golf tournament is back by popular demand!
We aim to bring back the tradition and connect with colleagues and make new friends through
the great game of GOLF (and dinner and drinks after)!
Date: Sept 18th (Sunday), 2022
Time: Noon-5:30pm for golf and 5:30pm onwards for reception and dinner
Location: Northview Golf & Country Club, Canal Course. Palmer Banquet Room
(Private) for reception and dinner after
Address: 6857 168 St, Surrey, BC
Tournament Format: Scramble format in teams of 4 players, 10 teams in total;
longest drive and closest to the pin contests; putting contest
Dinner: Northview Country Club Buffet
Cost: $150 per player
Inclusion: Green fee; Power cart; Range balls for warm up; Lunch bag with drinks; Buffet dinner;
Gratuity to the golf course and staff; and incredible memories with our dearest friends and families!
Dinner Only Guests: $60 per person
Prizes: The mysterious and prestigious CCDS trophy, endless glory and bragging rights! Oh …..and
door prizes and goodie bags for those who are not playing to win it all!
More details will follow closer to the event date! Please also feel free to invite your non-golfer
friends to join us just for reception and dinner or just a simple day of FUN out in the SUN!
Gather your team, sign them up! Don’t miss out your chance to enjoy the best sport on earth
with your favourite people on probably one of the last nice weekends of the year on one of the
nicest courses in BC! Please see the attached registration form.
We hope to see you there!