Topic: “Clear on Codes: How to Protect Your Practice from Insurance Audits”
Speaker: Dr. Tim Gould
Venue: Radisson President Hotel, 8181 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC
Time: 6:00 p.m. (registration) 6:30 p.m. (dinner) 7:30 p.m. (lecture)
Fee: Free (member) $100 (non-member) *
Synopsis: Insurance audits have become a key concern for dentists in BC. The ‘Clear on Codes’ course focuses on the insurance audit process, and steps dentist can take to protect themselves from being a target for audit. Aggressive billing trends and frequently misused codes are identified with emphasis on how to bill appropriately using the BCDA Suggested Fee Guide. The following topics will be discussed:
- Accuracy in billing for treatment performed, record-keeping and collecting the co-pay
- Appropriate use of codes and descriptors in the Suggested Fee Guide
- Steps in the audit process
- How a dentist is targeted for investigation/audit
- How to protect yourself from being audited
- Voids in record keeping resulting in increased recovery
- Aggressive billing trends and targeted codes
- Areas where BCDA can offer assistance
The Clinician: Dr. Tim Gould, BDS, PhD, DipPeriohad an extensive and varied career before joining the BCDA as Co-Director of Member Services in 2013. This included the position of Chairman of the Post-Graduate Program in Periodontics at UBC Faculty of Dentistry, and subsequently full time Periodontal practice in Vancouver. Dr. Gould’s past experience and previous BCDA Committee, Task Force and Board appointments have helped significantly when offering practice advice or mediating conflicts for our members.